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Results by Game

19/07/2023 Broadway and Horton Won
18/07/2024 Blagdon Hill Won
09/06/2024 Frensham Won
02/06/2024 Highate Irregulars Won
12/05/2024 Trinity Oxley CC Won
21/04/2024 Middleton Stoney Won
17/09/2023 Hornchurch Athletic Won
10/09/2023 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
07/07/2023 Railway Taverners Won
07/07/2023 Belhus Won
07/07/2023 Banstead Won
07/07/2023 Broadway and Horton Won
06/07/2023 Blagdon Hill Lost
25/06/2023 St Anne’s Allstars Lost
04/06/2023 Stowting Lost
21/05/2023 Newington Lost
18/09/2022 Hornchurch Athletic Lost
11/09/2022 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
28/08/2022 Banstead Lost
08/07/2022 Broadway and Horton Lost
07/07/2022 Blagdon Hill Won
26/06/2022 St Anne’s Allstars Won
19/06/2022 Frensham Lost
22/05/2022 Newington Lost
15/05/2022 Bricklayer’s Arms Lost
24/04/2022 Middleton Stoney Drawn
25/04/2021 Middleton Stoney Lost
23/05/2021 Newington Won
06/06/2021 Bricklayer’s Arms Lost
08/07/2021 Blagdon Hill Won
09/07/2021 Broadway and Horton Lost
18/07/2021 Kingstonian Won
15/08/2021 Wandering Maniacs Won
05/09/2021 Banstead Won
12/09/2021 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
19/09/2021 Selling Won
19/07/2020 Kingstonian Won
02/08/2020 Railway Taverners Won
09/08/2020 Banstead Won
13/09/2020 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
21/04/2019 Middleton Stoney Drawn
28/04/2019 Watton-at-Stone Lost
19/05/2019 Newington Lost
02/06/2019 Frensham Won
09/06/2019 Newdigate Lost
21/06/2019 Railway Taverners Won
03/07/2019 Cerne Valley Won
04/07/2019 Blagdon Hill Lost
05/07/2019 Broadway and Horton Won
21/07/2019 Kingstonian Won
01/09/2019 Railway Taverners Won
15/09/2019 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
22/04/2018 Middleton Stoney Drawn
06/05/2018 Kingstonian Won
20/05/2018 Newington Won
03/06/2018 Watton-at-Stone Lost
05/07/2018 Blagdon Hill Lost
05/07/2018 Broadway and Horton Won
21/07/2018 Selling Won
16/09/2018 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
30/09/2018 Stoke D’Abernon Lost
23/04/2017 Middleton Stoney Lost
07/05/2017 Kingstonian Lost
21/05/2017 Newington Lost
04/06/2017 Frensham Won
11/06/2017 Newdigate Drawn
25/06/2017 Watton-at-Stone Lost
06/07/2017 Blagdon Hill Lost
07/07/2017 Broadway and Horton Lost
28/08/2017 Stowting Lost
10/09/2017 Brasted Invicta Won
17/09/2017 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
24/09/2017 Selling Lost
17/04/2016 Middleton Stoney Won
08/05/2016 Nightwatchman CC Lost
15/05/2016 Newington Won
05/06/2016 Frensham Won
26/06/2016 Watton-at-Stone Won
07/07/2016 Blagdon Hill Lost
08/07/2016 Broadway and Horton Lost
09/07/2016 Bristol 4th XI Won
10/07/2016 Kilmington and Stourton Lost
04/09/2016 Brasted Invicta Won
11/09/2016 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
18/09/2016 Selling Won
19/04/2015 Middleton Stoney Lost
25/04/2015 Britwell Salome Drawn
10/05/2015 Nightwatchman CC Lost
17/05/2015 Newington Won
07/06/2015 Frensham Lost
14/06/2015 Newdigate Drawn
28/06/2015 Watton-at-Stone Won
09/07/2015 Blagdon Hill Won
10/07/2015 Broadway and Horton Won
11/07/2015 Bedouins Lost
19/07/2015 Headley Down Won
30/08/2015 Stowting Drawn
06/09/2015 Brasted Invicta Drawn
13/08/2015 Reigate Pilgrims Won
20/09/2015 Selling Won
26/04/2014 Hook and Southborough Lost
11/05/2014 Nightwatchmen CC Won
18/05/2014 Newington Won
01/06/2014 Farningham Won
08/06/2014 Frensham Won
29/06/2014 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
10/07/2014 Broadway and Horton Won
11/07/2014 Kilmington and Stourton Lost
12/07/2014 Exford Won
13/07/2014 Horningsham Drawn
20/07/2014 Newdigate Won
24/08/2014 Wimbledon United Lost
07/09/2014 Brasted Invicta Won
14/09/2014 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
21/09/2014 Headley Lost
21/04/2013 Middleton Stoney Drawn
27/04/2013 Britwell Salome Lost
12/05/2013 Nightwatchman CC Won
19/05/2013 Newington Lost
09/06/2013 Frensham Won
16/06/2013 The Herd Lost
30/06/2013 Watton-at-Stone Won
07/07/2013 Stowting Drawn
11/07/2013 Broadway and Horton Won
12/07/2013 Kilmington and Stourton Won
13/07/2013 Exford Won
14/07/2013 Horningsham Won
21/07/2013 Newdigate Lost
10/08/2013 Addington 1748 Won
08/09/2013 Brasted Invicta Drawn
22/09/2013 Selling Lost
22/04/2012 Middleton Stoney Won
13/05/2012 ELCCC Lost
20/05/2012 Newington Won
15/07/2012 Horningsham Lost
22/07/2012 Newdigate Lost
05/08/2012 Tower of Dudes Won
02/09/2012 Wonersh Won
09/09/2012 Brasted Invicta Won
16/09/2012 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
30/09/2012 Stoke D’Aberdon Lost
17/04/2011 Middleton Stoney Drawn
24/04/2011 Britwell Salome Won
15/05/2011 Newington Lost
22/05/2011 ELCCC Lost
05/06/2011 Frensham Drawn
19/06/2011 Watton-at-Stone Won
03/07/2011 Stowting Lost
07/07/2011 Broadway and Horton Won
08/07/2011 Kilmington and Stourton Lost
09/07/2011 Horningsham Won
14/08/2011 SAC XI Won
21/08/2011 Clapton & Oval Lost
04/09/2011 SB Exiles Won
11/09/2011 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
18/09/2011 Selling Drawn
24/04/2010 Britwell Salome Won
16/05/2010 Trafford Croydon Won
25/05/2010 ELCCC Won
06/06/2010 Middleton Stoney Drawn
13/06/2010 Newdigate Won
20/06/2010 Watton-at-Stone Lost
04/07/2010 Stowting Won
08/07/2010 Broadway and Horton Won
09/07/2010 Kilmington and Stourton Lost
10/07/2010 Horningsham Won
11/07/2010 Islip Lost
22/08/2010 Hampton Wick Lost
05/09/2010 SB Exiles Drawn
12/09/2010 Reigate Pilgrims Won
26/09/2010 Spencer Lost
25/04/2009 Britwell Salome Won
12/05/2009 Ockley Drawn
14/06/2009 Newdigate Won
21/06/2009 Watton-at-Stone Won
05/07/2009 Stowting Drawn
09/07/2009 Broadway and Horton Lost
10/07/2009 Kilmington and Stourton Drawn
11/07/2009 Horningsham Won
12/07/2009 Islip Won
16/08/2009 ELCCC Lost
23/08/2009 SB Exiles Lost
06/09/2009 Tower of Dudes Won
13/09/2009 Reigate Pilgrims Won
20/09/2009 Selling Lost
26/04/2008 Britwell Salome Lost
11/05/2008 Ockley Won
18/05/2008 Tappers Won
08/06/2008 Middleton Stoney Won
16/06/2008 Newdigate Won
22/06/2008 Watton-at-Stone Lost
06/07/2008 Stowting Won
10/07/2008 Broadway and Horton Won
12/07/2008 Horningsham Drawn
13/07/2008 The Old Min v The Young Min Drawn
27/07/2008 Harrow St Mary’s Won
17/08/2008 Putney Won
14/09/2008 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
21/09/2008 Selling Won
28/04/2007 Britwell Salome Won
20/05/2007 Old Colfeians Lost
03/06/2007 Tappers Lost
17/06/2007 Newdigate Won
08/07/2007 Grimsdyke CC Won
12/07/2007 Broadway and Horton Won
13/07/2007 Kilmington and Stourton Won
14/07/2007 Horningsham Drawn
15/07/2007 [Old Min v Young Min]((../2007/old-min-young-min) Drawn
05/08/2007 Selling Lost
01/09/2007 SB Exiles Lost
16/09/2007 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
30/09/2007 Watton-at-Stone Won
29/04/2006 Britwell Salome Won
14/05/2006 Ockley Won
04/06/2006 Tappers Won
18/06/2006 Newdigate Lost
02/07/2006 HSBC Lost
09/07/2006 Stowting Lost
13/07/2006 Broadway and Horton Won
14/07/2006 Kilmington and Stourton Lost
15/07/2006 Horningsham Drawn
16/07/2006 Old Mid-Whitgiftians Lost
06/08/2006 Selling Lost
03/09/2006 SB Exiles Won
17/09/2006 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
24/09/2006 Sanderstead Won
25/04/2005 Britwell Salome Drawn
08/05/2005 Ockley Won
15/05/2005 Old Colfeians Lost
05/06/2005 Tappers Lost
12/06/2005 Newdigate Lost
26/06/2005 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
03/07/2005 Stowting Won
07/07/2005 Broadway and Horton Won
08/07/2005 Kilmington and Stourton Won
09/07/2005 Warminster Garrison Won
10/07/2005 Horningsham Won
31/07/2005 Selling Lost
21/08/2005 Ballinger Waggoners Drawn
04/09/2005 SB Exiles Won
11/09/2005 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
25/09/2005 Hornchurch Won
24/04/2004 Britwell Salome Lost
16/05/2004 Old Colfeians Won
06/06/2004 Ballinger Waggoners Lost
13/06/2004 Newdigate Won
27/06/2004 Watton-at-Stone Won
04/07/2004 Stowting Drawn
09/07/2004 Kilmington and Stourton Won (D/L Method)
10/07/2004 The Gents Drawn
11/07/2004 Brookwood Drawn
01/08/2004 Selling Won
15/08/2004 Tappers Lost
05/09/2004 Temple Sheen Drawn
12/09/2004 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
26/09/2004 Iver Heath Lost
11/05/2003 Ockley Drawn
18/05/2003 Old Colfeians Lost
08/06/2003 Ballinger Waggoners Drawn
15/06/2003 Newdigate Drawn
27/06/2003 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
06/07/2003 Stowting Drawn
10/07/2003 Wareham Drawn
11/07/2003 Broadway and Horton Lost
12/07/2003 Land Warfare XI Won
13/07/2003 Honor Oak Drawn
03/08/2003 Tappers Lost
17/08/2003 Selling Lost
31/08/2003 Spencer Won
14/09/2003 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
12/05/2002 Ockley Won
19/05/2002 Players and Jesters Lost
09/06/2002 Streatham Drawn
21/06/2002 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
11/07/2002 Wareham Lost
12/07/2002 Broadway and Horton Drawn
13/07/2002 ACME Lost
14/07/2002 Hetairoi Drawn
28/07/2002 Tappers Drawn
18/08/2002 Selling Won
01/09/2002 North Holmwood Lost
15/09/2002 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
28/09/2002 Britwell Salome Won
13/05/2001 Long Ditton Won
20/05/2001 Players and Jesters Lost
03/06/2001 Stowting Lost
24/06/2001 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
12/07/2001 Wareham Won
13/07/2001 Broadway and Horton Won
14/07/2001 ACME Lost
15/07/2001 Kilmington and Stourton Won
09/09/2001 Old Colfeians Won
09/09/2001 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
14/05/2000 Ockley Lost
04/06/2000 Stowting Won
25/06/2000 Watton-at-Stone Won
02/07/2000 Tatsfield Won
20/07/2000 Wareham Lost
21/07/2000 Broadway and Horton Won
22/07/2000 Kilmington and Stourton Won
23/07/2000 Shottermill Won
06/08/2000 Tappers Won
20/08/2000 Selling Won
10/09/2000 Old Colfeians Won
17/09/2000 Reigate Pilgrims Won
09/05/1999 Ockley Drawn
16/05/1999 Players and Jesters Lost
30/05/1999 Stowting Drawn
13/06/1999 Woking and Horsell Won
20/06/1999 Watton-at-Stone Won
11/07/1999 Great Braxted Lost
22/07/1999 Bovington Occasionals Lost
23/07/1999 Wareham Won
24/07/1999 Knapp Lost
25/07/1999 Broadway and Horton Lost
01/08/1999 Ex-Blues Lost
15/08/1999 Hetairoi Lost
22/08/1999 Tappers Lost
05/09/1999 Old Colfeians Won
12/09/1999 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
10/05/1998 Ockley Drawn
17/05/1998 Players and Jesters Drawn
31/05/1998 Stowting Drawn
21/06/1998 Watton-at-Stone Won
03/07/1998 Broadway and Horton Won
04/07/1998 Knapp Won
25/07/1998 Hartswood Occasionals Drawn
06/08/1998 Copdock Lost
07/08/1998 Ipswich and East Suffolk Lost
16/08/1998 Hetairoi Lost
13/09/1998 Reigate Pilgrims Won
04/05/1997 Valley End Lost
11/05/1997 Ockley Lost
18/05/1997 Players and Jesters Lost
01/06/1997 Stowting Won
06/07/1997 Tappers Lost
13/07/1997 Great Braxted Drawn
24/07/1997 Wincanton Casuals Won
25/07/1997 Broadway and Horton Lost
26/07/1997 Kilmington and Stourton Drawn
27/07/1997 Farnborough Won
10/08/1997 Captain Scott XI Drawn
17/08/1997 Hetairoi Won
31/08/1997 Slip End Lost
14/09/1997 Reigate Pilgrims Won
21/09/1997 Woodlawn CC Drawn
12/05/1996 Ockley Drawn
02/06/1996 Stowting Drawn
13/06/1996 Valley End Won
16/06/1996 Great Tew Won
12/05/1995 Wickford Tied
07/07/1996 Tappers Won
14/07/1996 Erratics Drawn
27/07/1996 Barrow Hospital Won
28/07/1996 Broadway and Horton Lost
29/07/1996 Kilmington and Stourton Drawn
30/07/1996 Farnborough Won
10/08/1996 Captain Scott XI Drawn
17/08/1996 Littlewick Green Drawn
01/09/1996 A Stonor XI Won
15/09/1996 Great Braxted Won
22/09/1996 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
07/05/1995 Valley End Lost
14/05/1995 Ockley Won
18/06/1995 Great Tew Lost
02/07/1995 Abbey Players Drawn
09/07/1995 Old Elthamians Drawn
16/07/1995 Tappers Drawn
27/07/1995 Barrow Hospital Won
28/07/1995 Broadway and Horton Won
29/07/1995 Horningsham Won
30/07/1995 Farnborough Won
13/08/1995 Checkendon Lost
20/08/1995 Hetairoi Won
03/09/1995 White Lion Lost
24/09/1995 Watton-at-Stone Lost
05/06/1994 Antilles Lost
19/06/1994 Great Tew Drawn
03/07/1994 Old Elthamians Lost
17/07/1994 Polytechnic III Won
29/07/1994 Broadway and Horton Won
30/07/1994 Horningsham Drawn
31/07/1994 Farnborough Lost
07/08/1994 Checkendon Won
21/08/1994 Hetairoi Lost
04/09/1994 Valley End Lost
11/09/1994 Reigate Pilgrims Lost
18/09/1994 Watton-at-Stone Lost
09/05/1993 Ockley Won
23/05/1993 Great Tew Drawn
27/06/1993 Antilles Lost
04/07/1993 Old Elthamians Won
18/07/1993 ICL Bracknell Won
30/07/1993 Broadway and Horton Drawn
31/07/1993 Queen Camel Won
08/08/1993 Checkendon Drawn
19/09/1993 Watton-at-Stone Won
24/05/1992 Old Elthamians Drawn
14/06/1992 Deando Lost
21/06/1992 Yateley Won
28/06/1992 Antilles Lost
04/07/1992 Ballinger Waggoners Drawn
12/07/1992 Ockley Road, Bromley Lost
31/07/1992 Broadway and Horton Lost
01/08/1992 Shepton Beauchamp Won
02/08/1992 Dowlish Wake Won
09/08/1992 Checkendon Lost
23/08/1992 Long Hanborough Lost
06/09/1992 Old Wimbledonians Drawn
13/09/1992 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
20/09/1992 Watton-at-Stone Lost
28/04/1991 Hersham Won
12/05/1991 Ockley Drawn
19/05/1991 Old Elthamians Won
02/06/1991 Valley End Won
09/06/1991 Checkendon Drawn
30/06/1991 Antilles Lost
07/07/1991 Crocodiles Won
14/07/1991 Hamsey Green Drawn
21/07/1991 Old Texaconians Won
02/08/1991 Old Tauntonians Lost
04/08/1991 Broadway and Horton Drawn
11/08/1991 Newdigate Drawn
18/08/1991 Hetairoi Won
01/09/1991 Stowting Won
08/09/1991 Long Marston Won
16/09/1991 Reigate Pilgrims Won
22/09/1991 Watton-at-Stone Won
13/05/1990 Ockley Lost
20/05/1990 Old Elthamians Drawn
27/05/1990 Little Kingshill Drawn
10/06/1990 University College, Oxford Lost
23/06/1990 Limpsfield Lost
08/07/1990 Brook Lost
15/07/1990 Abinger Hammer Lost
22/07/1990 Crocodiles Won
29/07/1990 Godstone Won
03/08/1990 Old Tauntonians Lost
09/08/1990 T.Calvert’s Collection Won
12/08/1990 Newdigate Drawn
02/09/1990 Stowting Drawn
16/09/1990 Reigate Pilgrims Drawn
22/09/1990 Watton-at-Stone Won
30/04/1989 Wendover Lost
06/05/1989 Putney Drawn
13/05/1989 Ockley Drawn
21/05/1989 Old Elthamians Won
29/05/1989 Little Kingshill Drawn
11/06/1989 The Crocodiles Lost
18/06/1989 Durranti Lost
25/06/1989 Limpsfield Lost
09/07/1989 Blindley Heath Drawn
09/07/1989 Valley End Drawn
30/07/1989 Godstone Won
05/08/1989 Barrow-boys Lost
13/08/1989 Newdigate Drawn
20/08/1989 Hetairoi Lost
03/09/1989 Stowting Drawn
10/09/1989 South Nutfield Won
17/09/1989 Eggington Drawn
24/09/1989 Watton-at-Stone Won
30/09/1989 Flamingo Lost
15/05/1988 Old Elthamians Won
21/05/1988 Godstone Drawn
30/05/1988 Little Kingshill Lost
03/06/1988 South Nutfield Drawn
12/06/1988 Antilles Won
19/06/1988 Limpsfield Won
26/06/1988 Blindley Heath Won
09/07/1988 Ealonian Won
17/07/1988 Liphook Won
30/07/1988 Friar’s Oak Won
06/08/1988 Barrow-boys Won
14/08/1988 Newdigate Lost
21/08/1988 Brockham Green Drawn
28/08/1988 Bose XI Won
04/09/1988 Stowting Won
11/09/1988 Harpenden Drawn
18/09/1988 Watton-at-Stone Drawn
09/05/1987 Crocodiles Drawn
17/05/1987 Old Elthamians Lost
25/05/1987 Little Kingshill Lost
31/05/1987 Rhinos Won
20/06/1987 Horningsham Lost
28/06/1987 Godstone Won
05/07/1987 Valley End Won
12/07/1987 Lobsters Lost
26/07/1987 Friar’s Oak Lost
09/08/1987 Newdigate Drawn
15/08/1987 Oracle Won
12/08/1987 Bose Wanderers Won
06/09/1987 Stowting Drawn
12/09/1987 Flying Wickets Won
26/04/1986 Petts Wood Drawn
11/05/1986 West Wickham Won
18/05/1986 Old Elthamians Won
26/05/1986 Little Kingshill Won
07/06/1986 White City All Stars Lost
14/06/1986 Brook Won
21/06/1986 Horningsham Lost
29/06/1986 Godstone Lost
06/07/1986 Valley End Drawn
13/07/1986 Logica Won
20/07/1986 Watton-at-Stone Lost
27/07/1986 Strenue Lost
10/08/1986 Newdigate Won
17/08/1986 Harrow 3rd XI Drawn
07/09/1986 Stowting Lost
27/04/1985 White City All Stars Lost
05/05/1985 West Green Lost
11/05/1985 Artisans Won
19/05/1985 Town Cryers Won
26/05/1985 Red Bat Won
02/06/1985 Petts Wood Won
15/06/1985 Brook Lost
24/06/1985 Shamrock Lost
30/06/1985 Logica Won
07/07/1985 Koh-i-Noor Won
14/07/1985 Lobsters Lost
18/08/1985 Old Wilsonians Won
25/08/1985 Ealonian Drawn
01/09/1985 Old Elthamians Lost
08/09/1985 Alex Beard’s XI Won
15/09/1985 Hendon Edgware Lost
12/05/1984 West Green Lost
13/05/1984 Greenford Won
10/06/1984 Ealing Commoners Drawn
24/06/1984 Lobsters Won
01/07/1984 Harrowdene Won
08/07/1984 Standard Bridge Lost
15/07/1984 Sudbury Court Won
22/07/1984 Hendon Edgware Won
05/08/1984 Logica Won
11/08/1984 Chiswick Flyovers Lost
12/08/1984 Ealonian Lost
18/08/1984 British Legion Rickmansworth Lost
02/09/1984 Old Elthamians Won
16/09/1984 Nick Hoare’s XI Won
09/06/1983 Lobsters Won
12/06/1983 Nick Hoare’s XI Won
17/06/1983 UB II Drawn
25/06/1983 A Good Length Won
17/06/1983 Bathurst Arms Won
29/04/1982 Clifton Hill House Won
06/05/1982 A Good Length Drawn
08/05/1982 Another Man’s Meat Won
13/05/1982 Bristol Grammar School III Won
07/06/1982 J Stimfig’s XI Lost
10/06/1982 Wills Hall Won
12/06/1982 Leyhill Lost
14/06/1982 Young Solicitors Won
15/06/1982 Lobsters Lost
16/06/1982 A Good Length Won
17/06/1982 Clifton College XI Drawn